Godot in a gif(fy): IPO Time

Diner Drop part 6

Click here to play the most up-to-date version


Mouse input

Collision moved to top food item

What’s changed since last time?

  • Diner Drop can now be played in your browser!
    • Works on both desktop and mobile
    • All future builds will be published at that link so check back for updates
  • Multiple input methods available
    • On desktop you can choose to play with mouse or keyboard controls
      • Mouse: Move Chef by moving the mouse and click anywhere in the bottom area (where the stools are) to interact with whatever is highlighted in front of Chef
      • Keyboard: Move Chef left with a or left arrow, right with d or right arrow, and interact with things with s or down arrow
      • You can toggle them on and off with either m for mouse controls or k for keyboard controls (shown by either an M or K in the top left of the screen)
    • On mobile, Chef will follow your finger much like the mouse movement above
      • Tap and drag to move Chef and tap anywhere in the bottom area (where the stools are) to interact with whatever is highlighted in front of Chef
  • Game over screen now shows a message about why the player lost
    • Game over now shows if you have too many held food items
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed food items spawning off screen
    • Only the top item of the food stack being held has collision detection (gif above demonstrates how the sides have no collision)
    • Fixed issue where tapping and dragging to move on mobile would cause Chef to serve to a customer unintentionally

Godot in a gif(fy): It's a big one! Game Over, Man!

Diner Drop part 5

Click here to play the most up-to-date version I Want to Speak to the Manager! What’s changed since last time? A LOT! Customers aren’t taking your crap anymore; game over! Serving the same customer 3 incorrect orders (partial or complete) will push them over the edge and cause them to leave If all (currently 3) customers leave, it’s game over Serving the correct order to a customer will despawn them, increase the score, and spawn a new one at a random available spot Added game over screen with restart button Endlessly drops food until restart pressed (super fun to watch) Stops collision detection on Chef and locks movement input Generalized code around customer’s order (no longer hard coding burger as the only order) New font added for customers’ feedback Text will appear towards the centre of the screen depending on where the customer is (e. [Read More]

Godot in a gif(fy): Front and Centre

Diner Drop part 4

Click here to play the most up-to-date version

Table for Three

Dimming customers

What’s changed since last time?

  • More customers!
    • 3 customers will now spawn (in random positions!) at the counter waiting for their order
  • UI update: interactive objects (customers and garbage can) now start out dimmed and become fully bright when Chef is in front of them and can interact

Godot in a gif(fy): What'll ya have?

Diner Drop part 3

Click here to play the most up-to-date version

The Points Don’t Matter

Customer(s) now exist(s)

What’s changed since last time?

  • A customer has finally arrived!
    • The player can now stand in front of them and press down to serve them the order that Chef is currently holding
    • Customers will provide feedback text on whether the order is correct or not
    • Serving an order (correct or not) will remove it from Chef
  • Player now has a score to increase (or decrease…)
    • Serving a correct order yields a point and an incorrect order deducts a point

Godot in a gif(fy): Variety is the Spice of Life

Diner Drop part 2

Click here to play the most up-to-date version

Catch Me If You Can

Falling burger bottoms

What’s changed since last time?

  • Chef can now catch and hold the falling food; allowing orders to be made
  • All three parts of the burger now spawn
    • Bottom: the bun and lettuce
    • Middle: the patty and tomato
    • Top: the onion and bun
  • The garbage can interaction now lets Chef throw away their currently held order

Godot in a gif(fy): A game dev blog told through gifs

Diner Drop part 1

Click here to play the most up-to-date version As outlined in a previous post, I started developing a game with the Godot engine about catching falling food and serving it to demanding customers, aptly named Diner Drop. In this series of posts I intend on showcasing the progress made on the game’s development through the greatest of all Internet formats: the gif. A lot can be said with pictures (especially moving ones) but I may also include a few words too. [Read More]

My Hobby: Game Dev - A History

Like a lot of other developers, and even regular folks, I enjoy video games. If you had a nickel for every time you heard or read that somewhere, you’d probably be too rich to be reading this blog; instead enjoying your private island complete with whatever else rich people buy. I’ll save you the rest of the cliched prose that usually follows that line and just say that I also enjoy learning about the process of, and actually, making games. [Read More]

Printing Jenkins credential values to the log

The below is part of a screenplay I’m working on for a sequel in the Speed franchise, tentatively called Speed 3: Push IT. It also nicely sets up a scenario for the later bit about viewing Jenkins credentials in plaintext. If you’d rather not read it, just scroll on down. I won’t be too hurt. Speed 3: Push IT FADE IN INT. SOME LARGE CORPORATION - NIGHT JASMINE and BORIS are looking at Jasmine’s computer. [Read More]

Automating the publication of a Hugo generated site with Google Cloud Build

Hugo is a really cool tool for getting a blog up and running quickly. In a previous post I outlined how to use it to generate a site and then host that site on Github Pages or Google Cloud Storage. Now I want to take it a step further and automate its publication on Github Pages. Why? Cause I’m lazy, automation is cool, and doing so will make us look better in the optical sensors of our eventual robot overlords. [Read More]

DevOps Tools 101 - Kubernetes

DevOps Tools 101 is a series of posts outlining in easy to digest form, the tools available and in use by the DevOps community. Today we’ll be learning about Kubernetes (often abbreviated to k8s), which was originally developed and then open-sourced by Google. The Official Description From kubernetes.io Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. The Breakdown open-source system - you can look at and modify the underlying code that makes up kubernetes [Read More]